
Dog Child is a direct-to-consumer dog food brand that is changing the way pet parents feed their dogs. With a solid idea for a new type of pet food, informed by her own experience feeding her dog, Dog Child’s founder partnered with August to build a unique brand identity and launch strategy that cuts through the noise in the growing pet market.

Starting with the distinct persona identified in partnership with Dog Child’s founder, we crafted a brand name, strategy, and visual identity that served as the foundation for the brand launch. Partnering with the team on the campaign and building out the artwork, PR strategy, social media strategy and assets, and collaborating on the advertising strategy, Dog Child is poised to make pet parents everywhere elevate their dog’s meal, health, and happiness.

Brand IDentity
Public Relations
Packaging Design
Social media STRATEGY
Website Design
Website DEvelopment
Pet Food
Dogchild cover with logo and picture of a cute dog licking his lips
Dogchild photo of a woman holding a dog and product packagingdogchild wordmark and circular mission logodogchild grain and berry flavour packaging with ingredientsDogchild billboarddogchild how to make photosdochild desktop websitedogchild mobile websitedogchild photo of 3 dogs eating from different bowlsDogchild photo of a woman holding a dog and product packaging